Is part-time employment better than full-time employment
What is meant by induction training
What is meant by ‘on-the-job training’?
What is meant by ‘off-the-job training’?
Identify and explain one advantage and one disadvantage to MSH of using on-the-job training
Define induction training
Identify and explain two reasons why training is important to JSF
Identify and explain two advantages to Filltum of using on-the-job training
Do you think on-the-job training is a better method of training for a manufacturing business
Define trade union
What is meant by ‘redundancy’?
Identify two situations in which downsizing the workforce might be necessary
Identify two reasons why a business might downsize its workforce
Do you think all redundant workers should be selected for new jobs
Identify two ways a business could advertise a new job vacancy
Should you retain or recruit new employees
Should internal or external recruitment be used to fill the vacant post of Operations Director
Do you think a newspaper is the best way for M&R to advertise the new job? Justify your answer
Identify and explain two methods when choosing a new manager
What is meant by chain of command