There are three (3) types of training
1. Induction training
2. On-the-job training
3. Off-the-job training
Induction Training
Induction training are training provided to new hires that are usually recruited externally. They give an opportunity for the new hire to meet existing employees, while learning the organisation rules, procedures and norms. This training is necessary to ensure that the new hire knows how to go around the office, and who to look for should they need assistance.
On-the-job Training
This form of training involves training during work hours at the workplace. They are usually conducted in-house by existing staffs and involves actual production. On-the-job training enables employees to get familiar with the actual systems, process and environment. This reduces error while keeping up with productivity as employees does not stop work.
Off-the-job Training
Off-the-job training involves training offsite, in a separate location from their work place. This form of training is required if the existing work place does not have the facilities to conduct the training. It is usually costly as employees will not work during training, while there may be transportation and accommodation cost involved.
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